Lambert International Airport Logo@0.5x

Lambert International Airport

• 2015-2020 Strategic Report Summary
The 2015-2020 Strategic Plan charted a course for the Lambert International Airport's future, prioritizing passenger growth, financial stability, economic development, and customer satisfaction.
I teamed up with eLittle Communications and Dovetail to transform five years' worth of complex statistical data into clear and easy-to-understand formats. My role included managing the layout, design, and overall visual translation of the data. This involved creating compelling visuals like charts, graphs, or infographics that effectively communicate trends and insights to a wider audience.
View the Presentation
St. Louis Lambert International Airport

Presentation Design

Layout and Print Design

Layout Design

Event Promotion & Digital Event Registration Assets
The strategic report effectively showcased the airport's progress over the past five years. By utilizing easy-to-understand infographics and clear statistical data, the report resonated with users, making the information readily accessible. This transparent approach fostered understanding and buy-in from stakeholders.

Check out Some Project Assets Below

• 2015-2020 Strategic Report Summary
Presentation Design
Business Graphic Design
Presentation Design
Airport Infographic Design